Monday, November 5, 2007

Friday Hashville Harrier Run

Friday Hashville Harrier Run

The Workout:
6 miles of dashing about and silliness
1 mile run back to car 6 min/mile pace
Many 12 oz curls

This weeks hash run was awesome. Gary and I acted as "Live Hares" and took off about 10 minutes ahead of the hounds. Since this hash was a Halloween themed event, everyone graciously showedup with a wide variety of costumes. In the picture above, I'm barely visible in the black Batman costume behind Gary the ninja. The whole run was about 4.5 miles along the true trail but most of the FRBs probably put in closer to 5 or 6 miles. We led them through all sorts of weird nooks and crannies of North Asheville including the Montford Cemetery, the Amphitheatre and a dozen or so unknown backalleys, cut-throughs and greenways. The hounds followed our trail of crude markings made with white flour sprayed in dots and symbols from the 6 or so water bottles we carried. The first beer stop was at a Hasher house. We had a keg, a trampoline and tons of snacks from the dollar store there. We again took off ahead of the crowd and it was fun keeping the hounds at bay with many false trails and dead ends. The final party destination was at another gracious host's house who had a nice fire going. After the usual cerimony, much drinking and singing, several of us headed out to Westville Pub in full costume to crash "Trivia Night". The last thing I will say is that if you have never run through a cemetery at night with a full moon overhead wearing a superhero cape... You have got to try it!

For those of you unfamiliar with "Hashing", check one of the following links:

On On . . .

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