Hike up to the top of Greybeard Mtn (5,376 ft asl) from Montreat trailhead (2,400 ft asl) and back.
30lbs of kid, water, food and clothing
5.5 hours round trip
Sunday, Ellie and I hiked Greybeard. I have previously always stopped at the AT shelter and cruised out to Walker's knob so it was nice to finally see the top. The view of the northern Pisgah mountains and Mt. Mitchell was spectacular as it was an uncommonly clear day. The temperature was perfect for hiking but I had to bundle Ellie up like a ball of cotton candy so she wouldn't get cold. She made a big game of high fivin' all of the blue trail markers along the way. We topped out around 2PM after coming across a 4 some of older folks on their way back down. I was seriously impressed as their mean age was probably late 60's early 70's. Ellie fell asleep on the way down and I essentially speedwalked the whole way back to the car. Afterwards, we kept up the tradition of eating at El Cocula Mexican restraunt in Swannanoah. Mmmmm mmmm good!
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